“MPD teamed with NFF to develop an infrastructure upgrade plan to address the network performance issues and to provide a fault tolerant network operation…The findings led to a network refresh that consisted of Cisco Integrated Service Routers and gigabit Catalyst...
“Through the outstanding efforts of innumerable Secret Service employees, and in conjunction with our federal, state, and local partners like NFF Inc., a safe and secure environment was achieved at every event.” Mark Sullivan and Brian Nagel Assistant Directors –...
“I’m truly excited about the deep level of intelligence regarding our application performance the APM service from NFF will provide. Combined with the efficiencies we will gain from the new infrastructure and data center colocation, the effectiveness of our IT systems...
“I think their NetActive program is special. Our network engineers are so busy that we needed to turn to NFF for a knowledgeable engineer.” Barry Arnold Director of Network and DataCenter Operations Georgetown University