If your organization needs some extra funding assistance due to the coronavirus pandemic, you are not alone. This webinar, “Stimulus and Grant Funding: Update on What’s Available” on Thursday, July 23, 2020, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., is designed to answer your questions about the various governmental relief programs.
Networking For Future (NFF), a Cisco Gold Partner, is pleased to host this unique opportunity for you to learn more about available stimulus and grant funding and hear from your regional government and education IT peers about the funding they’ve received, how they are spending the funds, and their future plans for the funding.
At the Stimulus and Grant Funding webinar, you will:
- Receive updated information on the economic recovery grants from the state and the federal government during the COVID-19 health crisis
- Hear from your IT management peers about their funding strategies and acquisition processes, including lessons learned and best practices
- Learn about the top three areas where the governmental relief funding is being spent
- Discover actionable steps you can take today
- Overview and Introductions
- Update on the Funding Awarded in 2020
- Update on Available Funding Options for Government and Education
- Stimulus and Grant Funding Case Studies
- Top Three IT Funding Investments in Today’s Environment
- Actionable Steps to Take Today
- Questions